Older entries?

How can one read older entries on this board? I'm sure there's older posts than 2013.

Remember clearly a woman who was related to one of the actors (Percy Herbert, I believe), it was amazing to read what she had to tell about her father.

Anyway, I can't seem to scroll down, nor is there an 'older entries' button or something.
What to do? Anyone?


Unfortunately I think that once a certain number of posts appear on a board, the older ones are simply deleted. [Especially on these older films]

"He was a poet, a scholar, and a mighty warrior."


If you're right, and I got no reason to believe you're not, it's a bloody shame. Why would older entries be less valuable than newer ones?

Would it be useful to file a complaint? And if so, where?


You might find them on TheWayBackMachine, but I doubt it.

Most users have had their history deleted to make room for more posts.


IMDB deleted older posts a few years ago. I inquired (complained actually) and was told that yes, older posts had been deleted. I'm as disappointed as you are.
