Brent Maverick

I thought I had seen all of the Maverick episodes, but on 17 March 09 the Westerns Channel ran one with a "Brent" Maverick. The title of the Episode was The Forbidden City and at the end, Bart addressed Brent as "brother." Anybody know anything about a Brent Maverick?


Brent Maverick was a little "lost" brother who appeared toward the end of the fourth season. Warner Bros were hoping that James Garner would lose his court case and return to work. When Garner won the right to leave the show,Brother Brent was invented.He was played by Robert Colbert,who is still around and acted in soap operas for years.Colbert balked at the idea to dress him exactly like Bret, but he had no choice under contract. What's also funny is that Colbert appeared with Bart in the early fourth season episode HADLEY'S HUNTERS as a hapless man framed and helped through the story by Bart,who apparently didn't recognize him (only kidding--Colbert was playing a character named Cherokee Dan). After his two only episodes, Brent was never heard from again.

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The only reason Brent appeared in the first place was because Roger Moore's contract with Warners expired with several episodes left to be filmed in Season 4 and he decided to leave the series. Thus, Robert Colbert, a James Garner lookalike, was brought in to play a third Maverick named Brent.


I can't believe Garner wanted to leave the show. He was the show. Now I consider him a traitor. I love this show and he was my favorite Maverick.



Garner wanted to leave because Warners at the time treated its actors like crap and paid them next to nothing. Then they breached his contract by putting him on suspension for no reason so they could save money.


Quite correct, joehrobertsjr. WB was, at the time, notorious for its bad treatment of contract players. Garner was getting hosed by them and decided enough is enough. For hge45456 to be offended and call him a traitor 50 years later is ridiculous in the extreme. Idiot.

"It ain't dying I'm talking about, it's living!!!"
Augustus McCrae
