Fatima's hump

Does Fatima's hump bother anyone else? The front one. It never seems to stand up straight. I don't know if camels humps are suppose to stand up completely straight, but I didn't think they were suppose to sag that much.

R.I.P Heath ledger


Kind of like Free Willie's dorsal fin?

"Walked five miles to school and back, uphill both ways. No, really, I have pictures." MC Escher


some people would think from the title that greenrose222002 was criticizing the physical features of an overweight Islamic woman. I, on the other hand, remembered there is an episode with a camal.


Yeah, that bothered me too. A camel's hump (or humps, depending on species) store fat, to enable them to last a while without food, so I was worried that Fatima's hump was getting kinda low on fat, and she might not survive following Bret into the desert. But then again, most parts of our Southwest desert have a fair amount of vegetation, unlike the Sahara. So maybe I don't need to lose any sleep.
