Hey fellow Garner fans...If you check Jim's two films, SKIN GAME and SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL GUNFIGHTER, you can see some "unofficial" Maverick adventures. SKIN GAME could actually play as a story of one of Beauregard "Pappy" Maverick's classic scams,the so-called "skin game". It even features"Pappy" riding off with the girl at the end,Ginger, played by Susan Clark,who could have become the Lady G, Pappy's gal friend in the episode, PAPPY. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL GUNFIGHTER plays like ol'Bret in his middle age,moving low key and incognito to have an absurd tattoo removed and who, no doubt, skipped out on his bride at the end. Or, so we think if he got married at all. The ending was summed up by Jug, played by Jack Elam,so anything might be the truth. After all, this is Maverick and it would be a nice bridge over the gap from the series to THE NEW MAVERICK (which was a great pilot) to BRET MAVERICK, the wonderful and vastly underrated sequel series.

No matter how you look at it, it's classic Garner.

"Be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove"


There was also "Support Your Local Sheriff". It wasn't quite as good as "Gunfighter", but I enjoyed it. I've enjoyed anything Maverick or Garner since I was a kid.
