it would be great if god...

would intervene from above and stop a war.


In every chapter of human history there has been a war and accounts of violent atrocities from man. This means there is no god. You have been lied to about whatever religion you follow. They all are a bunch of made up stories to control the population


The Big Bang seems to strongly indicate that the universe had a beginning rather than being eternal. And we know that matter cannot give birth to itself out of nothing.

That's not enough for you to leave open the possibility of a Creator?


And it took billions of years after the big bang for the simplest form of life to appear in the universe. What was your god doing in the mean time? Face it. You were born into whatever religion you were taught. But they are all lies, meant to control the population. Thats what the powers to be at the time in that corner of the globe had to do to control their people


You should read a good Christian apologetics book. I find that the only people who think that there is no evidence for Christianity are those who haven't really looked into it.

That doesn't necessarily mean that you will find the evidence or the arguments persuasive, but you should at least be aware that they exist and done your due diligence.

This might be a good starting point for your investigation:


And if you were born in a Muslim country, you would be telling me all about Muhammed and Islam, because you would have been born into that. They are all lies


There are a lot of Muslims who have become Christians in recent days.


"There are a lot of Muslims who have become Christians in recent days."
And a lot of BOTH who have also become ATHEISTS.


That's true. If anything though, that just supports my assertion that people who are born into a belief don't necessarily remain in that belief, as millsey seems to be claiming. A lot of people who were born into one religion later encountered new information that caused them to convert to another religion. Or as you say, to no religion at all. And there are also plenty of people who were born into no religion and later became religious.


" I find that the only people who think that there is no evidence for Christianity are those who haven't really looked into it."

This is a very interesting observation. I also find that most Christians haven't looked into it either.

Another thing I have noticed is that atheists decide that the foundation of what they don't believe in is a owner/pet relationship or some other base-line that they choose other than what the adherents are claiming. Most common is the "If I were God ..." Say what you will about the blindness of faith but the hubris of atheists is at least as challengable.


Even as a Christian, I will agree with you that most Christians can't do a particularly good job of defending their faith. More Christians need training in apologetics and theology so that they can have firmer grounding in what they believe and why they believe it. I believe there are also a lot of people who will check the "Christian" box on a survey but who have little actual faith and whatever faith they do have doesn't actually impact how they live their lives.

There are a lot of smart people who have put forth defenses of the Christian faith though, both in recent times and in antiquity.

In regard to atheists, you're correct about their hubris. While many are mild-mannered, you certainly have the militant atheist who doesn't believe, will try to convince you that you shouldn't believe either, and more often than not I have found that their idea of Christianity (and probably any other religion, for that matter) is a caricature of the real thing.

I am sympathetic to skeptics, though. I was raised Christian but actually left the faith for about 20 years because of my own questions. The most important thing, if you have a skeptical mind, is to be persuaded that the resurrection of Jesus was a historical event. And the second is to be persuaded that the Bible is something more than just a man-made creation.


" their idea of Christianity ... is a caricature of the real thing."

Yes! thank you. This is very well stated. It's like not seeing a movie but making fun of something that isn't even in it.

Personally I have a Christian faith but am not a church goer. The man-made dogma wars breed a common attitude that I do not tolerate. As the Bible goes, I look at all of it through the lens of God's nature. He reveals his characteristics to us (somewhere in Exodus): Compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, merciful, loving, and forgiving. If something doesn't jive with these characteristics then I know its human nature working its way into the writing and polluting the message. I apply this same measurement to religious behavior.

In the big picture, people are foolish (even our wisest) and the Bible sorta acknowledges that but puts an arm around your shoulder and shows you that that's OK. Many live in despair and if the Bible provides them any solace then I call it good.


I think that if I didn't have confidence in the Bible then I wouldn't be a Christian. After all, it is the Bible that tells me about Jesus's life, death and resurrection. If it's not reliable, then where does my faith come from? How can I have any kind of confidence that one part of the Bible can be trusted but not another part?

I think Paul was correct when he said, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness" (2 Tim. 3:16). The Greek word behind "God-breathed" literally means as it sounds, God is the ultimate author of all Scripture. He worked through the writers to compose the books.

I don't believe that God took days off during the Bible's creation. That is to say, I don't think he stepped in and "breathed out" some parts but not others. He wouldn't allow Himself to be part of a faulty product.


Many Christians who have looked into it have done so at places like the Creationist museums, or in books written by Creationist "scientists".


And it took billions of years after the big bang for the simplest form of life to appear in the universe. What was your god doing in the mean time?

I'll take a shot at this coming from an atheistic view.

Allowing for a second the argument of an intelligent creation of the universe, time as *we* understand it means nothing. We understand time from the context of our lives, but elsewhere in the universe, 80 years may be an eternity or a mere blip.

A billion years to a deity may be an afternoon's work. For all we know, this universe of ours might be a snowy day science project built in someone's fish bowl.


Well I certainly don't live in anyones fish bowl. Different religions were created in all corners of the world by the powers to be to control the population and keep them in fear. Look at the food chain in the wild. Its brutal. Why would any god create a system like that? Also god showed up in this movie however where has he been since? Face it, all these religions are built on lies and fairy tales. Be smarter than that


I guess you didn't read my post. I'm an atheist, but I'm not closed minded either. I can play devil's advocate to any argument, so I offered an answer to your question about a God and time.


If you built an ant farm and thought it was your greatest thing. You offered a lot.
And your ants started fighting while you worked on other projects.

Would you feel obligated to watch over your ants


either that or this is no god.


Look at the food chain in the animal kingdom. Do you understand just how cruel it is? What kind of god would create a system like this? Any god who created our universe would have to be considered totally evil


As much bad there is good.

Dont underestimate the talents of some humans.

To make a pencil you have to cut a tree, trim it down. Mine for lead or graphite and combine the two.

Takes a lot of skill just to make a pencil.
Imagine what it takes to make a phone or computer.


Yes it took billions of years of evolution for humans to finally walk the earth. The thought of god just creating a human being as we know it is comical.


So where do you think the earth came from?


Certainly not as simple as a bearded white man in the sky, that's for fucking SURE.


"You can't answer the question and explain how the universe came about; therefore it must have been created by a god".

Perfect logical fallacy.


And its more the fact that humans were intelligently designed.


But how exactly could God stop a war without taking away people's free will? I don't like war and wish God would intervene more, but what specifically could God do that would stop it?


tamper with the planes, tanks and guns in ukraine.


You been brainwashed with lies in whatever religion you were born into


According to this movie, god intervened to help the hebrews. Where has he been since? Of course intelligent people know this movie is based on lies passed down from generation to generation


Christians maintain that God is omniscient and omnipotent. That literally means that He sees everything and can do anything. It logically follows that he is fully aware of war and all the other evil that takes place, yet choses not to do anything about it. He allows innocent children, women, men, puppies, and kittens to be miserable, suffer, and die, when it is within his power to prevent it. Sorry, but that's not my kind of guy.


There is no god. There never was. If there were, we would have some tangible proof, no? And don't say the stupid fucking Bible.


So where did humans and the earth come from.

Humans are nothing but biological engines.

Engines need gas, humans need food.
Engine's need water, humans need water.

Engines have an air filter , humans have lungs.

Waste comes out of both humans and engines after energy is burned.

Humans were intelligently designed.


"So where did humans and the earth come from."
Natural evolution, over BILLIONS of years.

Listen to the scientists for once, instead of ridiculing them.


Evolution from what? Where did that come from?

Out of spontaneous action things came from nowhere?


Ask the scientists. In case you hadn't noticed, they know more than the common layman.


When I read Biographies on Tesla and einstein there were both moments in their life when they thought they can scientifically prove where life originated?
The harder they looked, they both came to the conclusion that humans was intelligently designed.


As most humans are not that intelligent, "intelligent design" must have failed.


There is no knowable answer. Not from believers and not from aethiests. Seriously, how can anyone believe matter just happened. And the whole structure of DNA just happened. That’s idiotic. But then there is the question as to why God hasn’t interfered in things like the Holocaust. So ultimately, I think we all need to agree that NOBODY KNOWS. Have faith if you want but there is no true answer.


If you create a ant farm, you can provide them food, water, structures. They look at you as a god.

But you are too big and powerful to operate on a broken ant leg or intervene in death.
And the ants question this.
How can someone so powerful let these things happen.
And and their god you can help, hurt or just disappear


No, I can't operate on an ant leg, but I'm not God. God, we are told by Christianity, is omniscient and omnipotent. That means he sees everything and can do anything, quite unlike me and my ant farm. Stop presenting logically flawed analogies.


Did the material universe somehow will itself into existence from non-existence?


The scientists know more than you and me. Ask them. Ask Richard Dawkins!


Most scientists acknowledge that they simply don't know.


But no-one can know about the origins of life, it was millions of millenia ago!


I can only speak for myself, but it seems like an entirely logical deduction that a non-eternal, material universe must have had its origin in a non-material, eternal entity.


So there's cause and effect AND some white bearded guy? Why not just accept cause and effect and stop there?


Presuming for argument's sake that God exists--I believe he does, but obviously not everyone agrees--then I'd say that calling God a "white bearded guy" is unnecessarily trivializing the massive super-intelligence that created the universe. After all, if God exists then it stands to reason that he is far greater than anything that you can conceive, because he is responsible for your ability to conceive anything in the first place. This is the same God that was responsible, for instance, for the complexities of the human body, for DNA, for the stars, and for consciousness itself.

I think that there are reasonable arguments for the existence of such a being. And once we have reasoned our way to God's existence, the natural next question is wonder about this God's identity.


When you think of the trillions of hydrogen atoms that are involved in some hefty interactions at any given time inside of a star it can make you wonder how and why they are put there. Accepting that there is no why and that everything is a snapshot of a continuous falling of dominos could be one occurrence in that emergence you call consciousness.

It matters only that we feel good. So let's not kill each other too much.


Well, I certainly agree we shouldn't kill each other too much.

But I don't agree "it only matters that we feel good." I think that man naturally seeks meaning and purpose. We also know that we all face eternity. Is this life really the only one? Or is there more to our existence, some eternal aspect that moves beyond the disintegration of the body?

In regard to those hydrogen atoms, when you see a computer do you think that maybe all of its elements came together by chance, or do you naturally assume that it had a maker?


"Did the material universe somehow will itself into existence from non-existence?"

I don't know, and at this point in history, neither does anyone else. However, it doesn't logically follow that because I don't know how something happened, it was done by a god. That's a logical fallacy.


You're right that we cannot prove that the universe was created by an immaterial, eternal Creator who stands outside of creation itself, but considering what we know of the nature of matter, and that there is evidence that points to the universe having a beginning, I do think it is logical to look outside of the universe for its origin.

It is, for me, a good enough argument that I can make a leap of faith in the sense of Pascal's Wager, and accept the proposition that God exists even if I can't prove it to be true.


The planet was just a big rock billions of years ago. So I guess you are of the opinion that rock, given enough time and water and sunlight, will become sentient.


No, but there were comets from outer space, not to mention asteroids, crashing into the earth in all that time. Chances are, some of those carried primordial life. Never thought about that, did you?


Where did that "primordial life" come from if not other rocks floating in space?


Who knows? No-one does. And you certainly can't attribute it all to some magical sky fairy, that's my point. These questions about billions of years ago, perhaps Man was not meant to find the answer for.


Let's hope Joe's wife finds some money for the education bill because this homeschooling has turned out a fiasco.


No. There is a God. Your alternative is more ludicrous. Sentience does not just spring up out of nowhere for no reason, let alone an entire universe. Even Albert Einstein tried to avoid using the Big Bang theory because he thought it smacked too much of a God-created universe. But in the end he couldn't deny that all the evidence pointed to it. He later called his efforts to not use the Big Bang theory the greatest mistake of his scientific endeavors.


This is so silly. So if there is some god out there somewhere, where did this god come from? Who created him? Face it. You have been lied and brainwashed in whatever religion you were born in to. It doesn't matter what religion you follow. They are all made up fantasy lies


Yeah, you're right. It's better to think that life is meaningless, since you and everyone you've ever known will die and be gone forever.


Christians here keep pushing the logical fallacy that if we don't know how something happened, it follows that it was done by a god. That's the genesis of all religion. Thousands of years ago people hadn't developed any systematic method of learning about natural phenomena. But humans crave explanations, so they just made up characters and stories to account for everything. When the other guys do it, we call it mythology. When we do it, we call it the True Faith.


Then who designed god?


We don't know or have the power to comprehend that.
But something that is able to create such things has God like power? And we see examples of creation


Not being able to know everything does not necessitate something that does.


But it does imply there is a lot unknown.


One could say that nothing can be known as everything changes.


But don't you see that you are just pushing the problem back one step?

You say that god MUST exist, because you don't know where the universe came from. In your words, did it come "out of spontaneous action things came from nowhere?"

So now you have god creating everything. That begs the question:

Where did god come from?

Out of spontaneous action god came from nowhere?


Its amazing


What is?


Then who designed god?

Good question. Religions make a legitimate point that there should be no universe at all, no nothing from any science we understand. All the space/time in our universe popped out of nothingness?

Fine, but sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. Could God pop out of nothingness? He was *always* in existence? How?

Anyway, some religions say that when we die we achieve total consciousness. Maybe. Maybe the answer is quite simple but we simply aren't allowed to know it until we die.

Nothing makes any sense.


It would be amazing if he did anything.


Free will is supposed to be God's greatest gift to humanity.
