MovieChat Forums > The Ten Commandments (1956) Discussion > Goof question for The Ten Commandments

Goof question for The Ten Commandments

Over the years, it's been pointed out to me that The Ten Commandments contains 2 really glaring errors among others. One being that in one scene (maybe the Exodus), one of the departing Israelites is wearing a pair of sneakers and the other being that in another scene, a Roman centurion is wearing a wristwatch.
Has anyone noticed these and if so, where exactly do these errors appear. I've looked a few times but am unable to spot them.


I've never noticed those but the Goof I noticed last night I understand the why but if Ramses curse was for the First Born to die why didn't he die during the fulfillment of said curse? He was the First Born. Thing that make you go Hmmmm.

Col. G. Stonehill: Most people around here have heard of Rooster Cogburn.


According to J.H. Breasted, Rameses II was not a first born. There was a brother (or brothers) before him who had died.


I did a little online research and it seems that the scene involving the wristwatch occurs during the exodus when Joshua tosses a golden calf statue to a little boy sitting beside an old, blind man. The little boy catches it and shows it to his grandfather who touches it and calls it a false god (or something to that effect). The blind man is supposedly the one wearing a watch. I'll have to check it next time. Also, I never noticed that when Moses is standing on the ledge in front of the Red Sea, there is a Pepsi Cola can at the base of the ledge. Man, this movie has a ton of mistakes in it !


I just watched that scene and paused and backed it up. I see no watch, I only see the old man has a bracelet of some sort like many of the people in the movie, it could be a watch but doesn't stand out that way and only looks like a bracelet to me, nothing else. So I call BS on this frankly.


there is another goof, a statue made of gold would weigh a ton,the kid would be injured trying to catch it.


Hey ordered that the firstborn HEBREWS be put to death. Slight difference, there. I'm sure Pharaoh wasn't so stupid as to condemn his own flesh and blood with a technicality.

I would continue this battle of wits with you but I can see that you're unarmed.


Nothing more than an urban legend, Cecil B DeMille was way too much of a control freak on the set, who put way too much time and attention to getting every detail right to let such obvious errors slip by.


Actually, there are many historical errors that CB must've not realized. Check out the "goof" section right here on IMDB and you'll see an error involving the Nile, the Saqqara pyramids, and the direction the Pharaoh sent the Israelites.
Don't forget: movie techniques in 1956 were not nearly as sophisticated with computers as they are now!


That's not what I mean...he never would have allowed such an obvious anachronism as a digital watch to be shown on screen, he knew that.


I'd be looking for time travelers if someone had a digital watch on set.


That's not what I mean...he never would have allowed such an obvious anachronism as a digital watch to be shown on screen, he knew that.

Also, it would be a neat trick, since digital watches wouldn't be invented for another decade and a half.

Regarding the statuette, these were more often made of wood covered in gold leaf (like the Golden Calf later) than of pure gold. It's very unlikely a slave would have the latter, anyway. Probably, it's foreshadowing of the incident with the Calf.

Innsmouth Free Press


in another scene, a Roman centurion is wearing a wristwatch

This movie is about Egypt. There were no Roman centurians at the time.

You must mean an Egyptian soldier -

or -

you're thinking of Spartacus (Kirk Douglas movie) or some other Roman epic...?
