Burning Bush

Watching this (again) last night I was thinking - considering the height and terrain Moses had to climb, as well as it being recessed into the rocks on a flat area, there is NO WAY they could have seen the burning bush from the valley area, let alone determined it was a bush on fire but not being consumed. At best they might have seen a red glow dot reflected off the rocks, but not the bush itself!


A Fairy Tale of the earliest incantations... too keep the weak & feeble minded in their place. Might as well have been a burning dove.


A Fairy Tale of the earliest incantations... too keep the weak & feeble minded in their place. Might as well have been a burning dove.
I could be wrong, but I think the original tale had Moses accidentally coming to the Burning Bush while shepherding.


The fact that Moses could not possibly have seen the Burning Bush given its location is something that Katherine Orrison points out in her commentary track on the 2006 50th anniversary DVD set. Prior to listening to this commentary, I had honestly never even noticed how badly framed that scene is.....


God was the burning bush...maybe among other things he made it possible for his presence to be seen from far away.


Yes what a silly thread...if GOD can enable Moses to turn water into blood, bring forth plagues and death itself, part the very oceans....and amongst all this you are doubting his ability to enable Moses to see far...even us mortals can do this today with our primitive telescopes, glasses..

wat are you lookin' at...


But if the scene had been better framed, you wouldn't have to assume Moses had super sight to explain how he saw it. The Biblical text makes it clear that the bush was right there in such a way that he could easily see it.


Apparently, the visibility of the bush (from where it was first seen) was a problem for many people on DeMille's staff, and they said so. They thought it could have been done better. I agree, though I didn't notice the problem until several viewings later. Obviously, it didn't bother DeMille too much either. . . As Joe E. Brown said some several years later -- "Well, nobody's perfect!"


yes moses may have seen the bush in his mind.


Nope. Joshua saw it too.

I want the doctor to take your picture so I can look at you from inside as well.
