Funny comments on this movie
Me and my friends thought that Clearence looks like Lupin and Richard looks like Snape from Harry Potter (we watched it in class, by the way) - any other funny comments?
shareMe and my friends thought that Clearence looks like Lupin and Richard looks like Snape from Harry Potter (we watched it in class, by the way) - any other funny comments?
I remember thinking the same thing about Snape. I actually picture Larry's Richard instead of Alan Rickman's Snape when I'm reading the books. (Though Rickman's Snape is amazingly good.) If they do a remake of Richard III, I nominate Alan Rickman as the lead, just for kicks. (Though I realy don't think it should be touched again, there being a couple very good versions about.)
I don't remember the bit with the fingers, though I must admit I only really noticed the missing fingers thing about halfway through the movie. (durrr)
There are a few bits that struck me as funny. One of which is the bit where Richard seduces Lady Anne. I absolutely love the scene, think its spectacularly done, etc. etc... but, I start giggling just a little bit when Anne spits at Rich the second time, says "never hung poison on a fouler toad" and then realises: "Oh sh*t! I want in his pants!" all subtleties aside, of course.
To me, the best bit was right after Lady Anne takes her leave, all heaving-bosomed and weak-at-the-knees, and Rich puts up this fab act of reciprocating her ardour. Then, when she closes the door, he looks at the camera like "hmm, well that was easy enough. how rad am i?" and proceeds to her bedchamber. The next day, of course, he struts into the royal palace like a total pimp-daddy.
God, I love this movie!!!
I've only seen this movie 1 1/4 times, sadly, heh...library VHS. What i covet most is the Olivier Shakespeare triad of Hamlet, Henry, and Richard on DVD. *drools* I haven't seen the other two, but of course i absolutely MUST!
Larry = my new favourite person. and that's a tough place to occupy, seeing as how that used to be Gregory Peck's domain.
Do you think it'd be easy to get some of Larry's work easily in Canada? I know there are some BBC things I have no hope of laying my hands on, but i'm sure this won't be too hard...
The thing that MADE that performance was the shifty eyes, I think. oh, AND the smarmy little smirks he'd give the camera, like the first time he got shut down by Lady Anne, he grinned a little sardonically and said "I'll have her." That bit cracked me up.
But I mean, if there are no shifty eyes or or funny eyebrow tricks, I might be a little let down. Still, it's hard NOT to be let down if you're comparing ANYthing to Richard. I really must seek out a copy of that!!!
I especially love it when he's plotting or something and divulges it to the audience: he starts like blinking spastically like some sort of excited little schoolgirl! Then, when it comes down to actually DECEIVING people, he's completely stone-cold! It's like this perfect deadpan, seamless! Hell, I was almost convinced myself at times lol.
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.
"down, bitch!" heehee i like that. It fits perfectly!
i'm going to see if i can put richard on hold from the library again, i just LOVE picking out those little nuances the second or third (or thirteenth) time around! The movie is starting to become a bit more blurry to me since I haven't seen it in awhile, so I must have a refresher! But I think I remember (correct me if i'm wrong) that sometime during the very first 'richard is a crazy person' rant (i think it's actually the first time he speaks to the camera), rich does one of those great little "i'm intimating to the audience in a wry and charming manner" smirks...i think it's something like "blah de blah [smarmy smirk]"
lol that was a bit vague, i think. But i do remember it had something to do with the Crown because that's rich's very obsession of course, and i distinctly remember swooning at the fact that Larry rolled his R's.
Am I going insane, or am I right? Or both?
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.
Yep, it was the yelly bit for sure for sure. Yay I'm not as insane as i previously thought! [and as an added bonus, i'm not the craziest person here! ;)]
That little smirky bit made me all happy inside, like all those little 'psst hey you' bits do. It makes me think like 'Eee-hee! I'm in on it! ^_^' And really, who doesn't want to be in on it??? That, my friend, is what makes larry a damn GENIUS!
(sigh) how i wish there were more people around me who could provide me with such grand discourse! I'm usually stuck sitting around with my buds discussing the comedic merits of the [gag] Scary Movie Empire and all the inane pap it proliferates...[shudder] I'm sitting there nodding and trying not to throttle anyone...
And here is where I come to discuss NUANCES!! :D
Hooray for cross-continent communication!
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.
I definitely think Larry was orchestrating it so that Richard had this irresistable charm to him. Because you're sitting there, in spite of yourself, going 'yay rich! you're an upward-moving chap, now aren't you?' and i really found myself feeling this...almost...disappointment at him resorting to all these lowly deeds. But still, I really was rooting for him right up until the end, even though i maligned him at the very same time! He's just such a charmer, and he worked his genetically-deformed-yet-rather-attractive ass off to get there, and to meet such an ignominious end! Oh sad.
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.
I'd buy it! ;)
I pulled my friend into my demented pervy web too lol. yay, a convert! Who thinks malformed wackos are cute! but then again, we're like all into the bad guys anyway. and all that jazz, lmao! shockingly and appallingly, larry's richard is NOT on that site! i smell a petition! lol
she was rather taken in by the grandiose-ness of the character. she DID only watch about half an hour of it (i did make sure she saw the lady anne scene of course), but she loved it so much!
Man, i just realized that I broke my self-promise NOT to act like a little fangirl over richard...shame shame. There goes like ALL the validity of any of my statements! lol
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.
I actually do think Larry was somehow more attractive WITH the great long nose than he was ordinarily (although I'm sure he'd be very unflattered if he heard that.) Not to say his normal self wasn't tasty as well...
Of course I felt all bad a little while afterwards 'cause I was like "gah! but it was so good! if only i could love this movie platonicallly!" lmao!! But hey, hormones are interesting. At first, i'll admit, I was like 'ick. that guy is sooo creepy' but about 5 minutes later i was like "mmm...that guy is SO creepy..." creepy became very good very fast lol.
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.
Gasp-and-a-half! Shock and awe! The "Plots have I laid" bit! That is totally the moment I made up my mind definitively about Richard! I remember he looks VERY pleased with himself, and he gives the camera this look like 'hey there you lovely thing' and i was like [quiver] At that exact instant, i said to myself "Wow, he is the sexy...Quite the sexy....gaaah...." That's also the bit where i noticed the 'blinky-blink' thing.
I wish I could find that shot somewhere! It'd go up in the locker for sure!
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.
Happy belated birthday Rich! lol!
Ok the bit when Anne spits at him the first time, and he gives her this look like 'oh bitch, you know you want it'...that made me gasp a little. It was so friggin mean, but at the same time like 'you want in on this action now don't you?' Now, as i recall, that was before i thought he was sexy the first time, so the first time i was like 'heehee you totally deserved that' and the second time i was like 'hey i'll lick that off if you'd'd be hella kinky' lmao!!!
but yeah that look said it all, and it was hot as hell. [pauses to wipe dribble off front of shirt]
i hope my boyfriend doesn't ever go on this i don't think he'd be very impressed with me...
Anyway...*bump*! it's back at you!
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.
lol yeah after the 'suddenly richard becomes hot' part, I rewound the tape so i could fully 'appreciate' the lady anne scene pt. 1! :D
but you SO totally just stole the one i was about to mention! I was like 'well shirt-ripping was always hot...o damn it's been taken' lol chest hair = [drool]
lol i was also inappropriately 'amused' by the scene with rich in bed seeing all those thoughts were "awright we are totally in the royal tent!"
wow this movie is so much more amusing as a nauseating adolescent!
hormones = rawk!
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.
lol well you don't strike me as being very old, anyway!
I'm sorry, the mere mention of chest hair sends me into a girlish fit...i'll need to take a bit of a breathing break here, one sec lol.
Now I really don't remember if the version I watched had that sun-coming-out bit...hmm it was nearly right at the end and things got hazy for me sort of in the middle, as i watched it (rather unwisely) quite late at night, so I was sort of patchy in my viewing...but yeah i think I know the speech you talk about them CUTTING anyway...that was the "richard loves richard" one, no? That line on its own just makes me happy inside, because it says it all. I think shakespeare just built the entire play around that ONE line, so he could put it in there lol. Though I must admit, this play is RIFE with juicy juicy lines like 'shine out fair sun til i have bought a glass/ that i may see my shadow as i pass.' [shivers] the second line in that couplet became the title for one of my poems in Creative Writing this term, which wound up being like this combination of beat poetry/Richard III! Oh that makes me happy inside too! When I read it out loud i just get INTO it lol. I even do that kind of evil clawed hand gesture up at the podium, and the class looks at me strange, then applauds wildly. At that point I fancy myself the next Sir Larry! ;)
You know which bit made me go 'oooh' inside, and which i had previously neglected? It's the bit where he's explaining to his minion-chap whose name escapes me, how he wants his nephews killed. He like grabs his face with that pillow-thing and bends in, all breathing in his ear and terrifying. I was like 'ACK suffocation-sexy!' Although, if i was actually BEING smothered, i wouldn't think of it that way!
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.
Well now I think I do remember all the fake-diplomacy 'let's all be friends and shake hands' bit. But I don't remember the 'born with teeth' bit...yeah there was also the random macking scene with the messenger...and the rest is a no. Hmmm i really don't know which version I watched, but it was VHS.
Lol is your sister a crazy teen too?
I actually didn't use the couplet IN the poem, but the last line "that i may see my shadow as i pass" became the poem's title. the poem isn't actually ABOUT I wasn't thinking about Richard when I wrote it, but when I watched the movie I switched titles because it was just too perfect! And of course, borrowed some elocution pointers from's so weird, because when you read the poem, it's a LOT like R3, but it was written before i knew anything about it! It's like:
I am an evil man.
I cannot justify it,
Nor will I make the attempt.
I have trod on countless hearts.
Left countless lives in tatters.
I have cavorted, extorted,
Resorted to the lowliest forms of
Depravity, insanity,
Vanity being the least of my vices...
Yea, I have plundered, wondered at
Lives rent asunder
By my machinations
Accusations, defamations, devastations!
Pure bloody evil!
O, I have done my best
To do simply my worst
And grinned unabashedly throughout.
I watched Rich then read it again and was like "!!!!" just goes to show how this movie and I were meant to be together ;)
But yeah that line "richard loves richard" = [drool] everything a wordsmith should EVER know. That line, to me, is just like 'o language! how you have served humanity well!' lol don't ask me why...random poet's ranting :P
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.