the young lads
I didn't pay much mind to them the first time I watched this film, mainly because I was so engrossed by Olivier's performance, but upon viewing this movie a second time, I was really quite impressed with their acting! for such young children, they seem to really grasp their lines and deliver them with actual understanding. I'm not sure if anyone's mentioned it before, but I figured I should, seeing as they managed to hold their own in scenes with Richard, and that's quite a feat! Particularly the youngest one; he was not only cherubically adorable, but when Rich gave him that crazed "you are so dead" look after the 'bear me on your shoulder' crack, he was so convincing! Everyone heaps accolades on Larry, and the other 'sirs' in this film (and well-deserved they are), but the kids were great as well!
the only person in this film that i really didn't buy was Dorset...he just annoyed me...though I suppose that's another rant entirely :)
In Soviet Russia, joke over-uses YOU.