Criterion DVD

I love this movie and bought the Criterion DVD in 2004 but I have had problems with the picture quality. It's hard to explain- the subtle colors will sometimes flash or blink. It reminds me of what happens sometimes when a person's shirt or tie pattern messes with the camera on a tv show. Does anyone know what I mean? Does anyone have the same problem? Would it be caused because it is a "high def. digital transfer" and I don't have a HD tv? Otherwise the picture is cleaned up quite well as compared to the old VHS versions and the sound and DVD extras are great! Any info would be appreciated.



The only thing I dislike about this DVD, as opposed to others, is that it's so damn hard to get out of the case. I suppose that must also be true of other Criterion DVD's.

Anyone else have trouble getting it out of that spindle?


I didn't have any trouble at all with the case, but then again, I have so many Criterions that I'm probably just used to it by this point. Just about all of their two-disc releases are designed like this.

Man, give her the *beep* overhead clause!


As with most Criterion releases,merely press on the triangular button(disc 1)and 2-tab button(disc 2)and this action releases the DVD's.


Poor old jadseanderson. He/she she asks a question about the digital transfer and gets a lot of waffle about packaging. Even if an explanation isn't available, surely there's someone here with the rudimentary manners to actually respond.

For the record, I'm unaware of any picture quality problem.

The lion and the calf shall lie down together, but the calf won't get much sleep.


I would say that it's because the film has not been restored, just cleaned up a little for the transfer. And some of the footage has not been preserved very well, so it looks quite deteriorated in comparison to other parts of the film.

As it is, being a DVD, it's not in High-Def anyway, so that's not the issue. I would just say that it's the state of the source material. No major concern. Well, until someone decides to restore the film, that is.

"Tahiti is not in Europe! I'm going to be sick!"


Gee, this is nearly three years since your post, jadseanderson --

But perhaps this will help if you ever read this:

I had the same problem many years ago with another Criterion release -- Unfaithfully Yours ...

Rex Harrison's bathrobe kept shimmering into a weird green color! (and this in a B&W film!) ...

I later found out that I was actually witnessing the start of a very slow picture tube death -- when we got a new TV, the green was no longer there...

Just a thought...


After watching Criterion's video on the restoration of the film ( it seems that what I was seeing was either chemical staining (addressed at 5:22 in the video) or color breathing/flicker (addressed at 6:42 in the video). I just bought the restored DVD and can't wait to see the improvements!
