For some reason, my computer will not let me download the movie from Netflix, and I have a test on this tonight! I thought, "Ok, I'll watch it a few hours before, and then it'll be fresh in my mind." WRONG!!! Can somebody please give me a DETAILED plot synopsis of the entire movie? I read the book a long time ago, but the test is on the movie, and I want to be sure I get it right.

If you can help me, thank you so much!!!

"Remember what this world is made of: 'LOVE & PEACE!!!'" ^_^ --"Trigun"


How did the test go?


I may be too late, but here it goes:

A few hundred thousand years ago, some aliens on a scientific expedition came to Earth and created a robotic sperm whale to serve as a monitor for the native wildlife of this planet. Now fast forward to relatively modern times around the year 1850, this robot whale is still functioning and it bites off the toe of some pirate guy. Now the pirate guy is really mad and devotes his life to inventing a whale-killing laser gun. Then in the dramatic final confrontation between man and metal beast, the pirate guy is able to destroy Moby D with his laser beam, but it overheats and explodes after firing and also kills the pirate guy. Afterwards, as legend has it, when the seas are calm and the sky overcast, one can sometimes see a pirate ghost riding on a robotic whale ghost and firing ghost lasers at any ship that they encounter.

The basic theme of the story revolves around revenge - If one goes out seeking revenge, they should be prepared to dig two graves. Unless you're at sea, and then you can just let the bodies sink down to the depths.

There, you should ace your test no problem now.
