Was Ishmael gay?

I am reading the book and there are scenes in the book that are definitely pointing in that direction. So far between Ishmael and Queequeg have done all but made out with each other. It's very surprising to say the least how the lines of companionship have changed on the last hundred or so years. Maybe Herman Melville was gay and it is just showing in his writing. Anyone have an opinion? No spoilers please as I haven't gotten far in the book.



<insert Moby Dick joke here>

What the $%*& is a Chinese Downhill?!?




I think you're seeing what you want to see.


There are definite gay implications in the novel. The scenes where Ishmael and Queequeg cozily lie in each others arms, then get "married" cannot, I think, simply be dismissed as "19th Century mores" of male bonding.


I'm not sure, but there definitely was a lot of ho yay going around.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


Rum, sodomy and the lash.


Long, lonely nights on the poop deck enlivened by a little...

Rum, sodomy and the lash.


I'm not sure, but there definitely was a lot of ho yay going around.

Welcome to my Nightmare- Freddy Krueger


At least his short story "Billy Budd" had a lot to do with Billy's look and how the ship-crew loved him.


Melville was gay. For Hawthorne.

There's Ishmael/Queequeg. And that sperm-squeezing scene. And Ahab/Pip.

Don't even let me BEGIN about the Billy/Vere/Claggart triangle! There's a reason a gay composer (and a gay librettist) made it to an opera.


Just wait til you get to the bit with Ahab and Pip...


@perineum1 » Mon Apr 26 2010

You ask, "Was Ishmael gay?"

With reference to the 1956 film, I answer, "No." Melville was simply representing male friendship in the manner of the nineteenth century.


Ah, the old "is this character meant to be gay" discussions, how I have missrd them, LOL. They were so common back in the glorious IMDB discussion days. But not so numerous now in Moviechat.org. However, in short, no, I don't think Ishmael was gay, but I guess we see what we all want to see.
