I read the original book multiple times. Harpoons are only used to snag the whale, like a fish hook, then the whale tires itself out dragging the boat around. The whalers in the boat pull up alongside the whale, and chop deep into it with what is called a "lance," to cut up vital organs, until the whale is dead. That's how they did it in the book.
Ahab does hit the whale in the face with a final harpoon, as Moby charges his little boat, but the line on the harpoon spins out of the boat, entangling Ahab with the whale, and Moby "drags him down into the ocean depths," to approx. quote the book.
Moby and Ishmael survive. Everything else dies. I don't remember what happens in this movie, but if that didn't happen, it didn't follow the book. The book was also heavy on symbolism and philosophy, and to have the whale "die" at the end, would render Melville's message a moot point. It's long winded, but read the book. You'll soon realize that they've yet to make a proper movie about this novel.
THANK GOD we have box office totals to let us know which movies are best!!!