SPOILERS ! MGFS similarities to Mad Men
Just watched MGFS at the end of August, and I was astonished --- there are an incredible number of similarities to Mad Men !
The movie is set in the 1950s, Peck's wife's name is "Betsy" & she has emotional issues --- their children are often disobedient and uncontrollable --- there are dark & secret issues in Peck's past that he struggles to deal with (which get in the way of his relationship with his wife) --- Peck also had terrible wartime experiences that he "flashes back" to --- Peck has to prove himself to the PR Dept. of a major TV network (a LOT like advertising --- in this instance, pitching & promoting the idea that his boss is interested in establishing a national mental healthcare system) --- Peck uses his creativity & gut instinct a lot in order to land his PR job --- there are issues with a house owned by the couple's elderly relative, and a fight over her estate / will --- a prig of a British executive who is constantly a thorn in his side (as is Lane Pryce in his earlier episodes of MM) --- a close companion from Peck's past reappears, years later, with information that could derail Peck's life --- there's an eccentric boss who is long-estranged from his wife --- problems with the daughter of the boss, who "refuses to go to college" --- many discussions of / struggles with moral ambiguity --- finally, lots of smoking, lots of cocktails ---
HAD to have been an influence on the creation of Mad Men !
If not, it's pretty coincidental ---
"J'ai l'oeil AMÉRICAIN !"