MovieChat Forums > The Killing (1956) Discussion > What was Marvin's purpose?

What was Marvin's purpose?

The older guy who wanted to go away with Johnny and then was drunk at the track. But Johnny told him to stay away from the track. Was Marvin in on it? For what? If not, did Johnny fill him in at all?



I just finished watching this masterwork for the first time. What a beauty.

It's the same question I asked myself. Are we sure he WAS drunk or maybe he ACTED as a drunk man to help if there was an emergency doing something that it was "normal" for someone who's drunk (ie. provoking a guard)?


Marvin was drunk, and not supposed to be at the track. Johnny told him to stay away, and was visibly upset after spotting Marvin right outside the door Johnny was supposed to sneak into. Marvin looks sullen and miserable as well as soused. Marvin did come in handy when the guard grabbed Johnny, but he wasn't supposed to be there according to Johnny's plan any more than the guard was.


He funded the heist


That is right. In the meeting of all the members of the gang, it is mentioned that Marvin put up x dollars. He seems to be the oldest member of the gang, and they probably think he has no other skills that would be helpful. He was most likely known to be a drunk, too. Notice that when Marvin is seen walking toward the bar just before the robbery, Mike, the bartender, looks shocked. That is because Mike knows Marvin is not supposed to be there.

Also notice that when Johnny says goodbye to Marvin that morning, Marvin seems very impassioned about changing plans and the two of them going away together. Maybe Marvin is actually in love with Johnny and goes to the track to see him once more and is drunk because he feels depressed about Johnny's rejection, even though Johnny had been pretty gentle in turning down Marvin's proposal.


He got confused and thought he was a jockey and just showed up for work.

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what is right.


His talent was as a backroom deal - maker, but he desperately wanted to be a big time player on the day.🐭
