Marv @ race track -

This is one of my fave films and I hadn't seen it in awhile but did yesterday @ a Kubrick fest in NYC - one thing bothered me - why is Marv - who is more or less told by Johnny prior to the heist told to stay clear of the track - shown @ the bar @ the track 'pretending (I assume) to be drunk (or was he?) - and then runs into Johnny who looks flabbergasted he's there. Did I miss something (i.e. was Marv a drunk and being put out of the heist for the most part to avoid any problems) and he then deliberately gets drunk and show up and nearly ruins it for Johnny OR was his role to again pretend to be drunk (he even give a huge stage-wink to Mike the barkeep too) to act as a distraction (but then that precludes the brawl)

"I'll have a steak sandwich...and a steak sandwich"


Marv is really drunk and not where he's supposed to be - Johnny's reaction is clear enough, and we also see him tell Marv to stay away from the track just before they part. It's one of only two things that goes wrong in Johnny's plan - ignoring other issues which only become issues when the plan breaks down - but unlike the other thing Marv's presence proves to be not only not fatal but actually helpful to the plan's success.


Gotcha; thanks

"I'll have a steak sandwich...and a steak sandwich"


I think Marv just wanted to be in on the action. Maybe his last big hurrah.


Marv wanted to get drunk and see Johnny one last time because he was in love with Johnny. That's his greatest motivation to create the plan and thus the fundamental motivation of the plot. Money and love, as in almost every noir, but this time the love of a man for another man.
