Shelley Duvall...

I like to believe that if Mr Kubrick had made this superb film in the 80's, he would've picked Shelley Duvall for the part of Sherry Peatty!! And he would have brought the best out of her, as he did in The Shining.


Shelley Duvall is realistically the worst actress that America ever produced.
Quite possibly the world, and as a bonus she's definately the ugliest.

Basically she's a talentless fraud who became famous for being the ugly, annoying harpie in the Shining that we all wanted Jack to kill as soon as possible. Though being cast as Olive Oyle in Popeye was a stroke of genius. She actually looks and sounds just like a retarded cartoon.


You're right, of course, but she can't help being who she is. Lighten up a bit.


but Shelley has no sex appeal. I wouldn't that any guy married to her would worship her the way her husband did unless he was blind and deaf. Yuck.


I completely disagree with you; for Shelley Duvall to maintain a catatonic state for so long as she did, take after take after take, in The Shining is true talent. Her characterization in that film was very consistent and memorable, IMO.


Shelley Duvall is realistically the worst actress that America ever produced

You obviously haven't seen 3 Women and Thieves Like Us.


I love her. She's one of my favorite actors.




Actor is a unisex term. Make an actual contribution to this thread.



Sherry is an unscrupulous and self centred woman with a knack for sexually manipulating dim-witted men into doting on her. I am at a complete and utter loss as to how Shelley Duvall would be suitable for such a role. I could see Duvall playing Fay (a woman with obvious self esteem issues) maybe...

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Your description of Sherry sounds a lot like the character Duvall plays in "Nashville," L. A. Joan. I think Shelley's a fine actress with interesting appeal.


Surely, you can't be serious.


Shelley Duvall is to Marie Windsor what white birdshit is to vanilla ice cream.
