Please elaborate on endings

I would like to know which is considered the main, standard ending for this movie.

Is it the "you're next" original ending?

Also, how much was this ending aired in its time, in comparison with the other endings?

And when were the other endings added?

Please elaborate on this. I need to know and the FAQ isn't specific enough.

Also remember that I'm talking about the 1956 version. I want to know what there is to know about the endings of this version, not of others.


Most historians agree the "you're next" ending was never released except for previews to test audience reception. I do recall it being shown in the early seventies on TV late at night but not often. Film festivals have run an edited "you're next" version and someone said it was on PBS once. The hospital scene is on the home video versions and it played most often in theaters some months after the "you're next" version was recut. Of course, it's a standard ending since it was shown almost everyplace. What would really be great is if someone really kept the un-edited version in a vault somewhere and we could see what it looked like minus narration etc.
