"Life is a journey, not a destination"
I found the DVD of "The Conqueror" in a discount bin and was thrilled. Ever since seeing it on TV some years back I always wanted to include it in my collection. Not for it's value as film perfection but rather as one of the not-intended-to-be-funny-funniest-movies-ever. The Duke as Mongol... far out!!!
It's rival for those weekends when my soul needs uplifting is "Tarzan Triumphs." That's the one where Tarz fights the Nazis. Brilliant!!!
I am a fan, usually, of both Wayne and Weismuller (the early Tarzan films)but both these efforts... well, one only has to watch them to get the point.
Step on it! And don't spare the atoms!
i agree friend a god awful movie
Lol, i didnt think it was that bad, but i must say , John Waynes acting is BRUTAL in this movie, he has no expression whatsoever, much worse than his regular sub par performances. Wayne was not the greatest actor that is for sure lol... Your thread made me laugh though, i especially love how it is in caps for added dramatics...
shareYou obviously need to watch a LOT more movies. Come back in about 20 years and I'll listen to what you have to say.
shareI disagree it is the worst movie ever, and I don't think it is one of the worst movies ever made either. That said, the movie in my opinion is still horrendous, I have never seen John Wayne more miscast than he is here, the dialogue is hackneyed and the pace alone kills the movie.
"Life after death is as improbable as sex after marriage"- Madeline Kahn(CLUE, 1985)
I agree with the majority about John Wanye's performance. His emotive/vocal range through out stayed exactly the same plus his character was a complete brute yet we are meant to be on his side . Susan Hayward faired no matter on her acting abilities either, even though from my perspective she proved herself to be a good actress in previous films. Guarantee any feminists watching The Conqueror would be appalled not only at the treatment her character receives but for her to fall deeply in love with Wanye's character was ridiculous.
"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not".
This movie is not even close to being one of the worst movies ever, but however it's still one of the worst movies that John Wayne has ever done. Jay Wayne made a lot of great movies, but this stick out like a sore thumb.