Because they are full of hate...yet they constantly tell us they're the ones to make the world a whole lot better. They can't stand the fact that the general public prefers bigger than life men like the Duke as opposed to effeminate weenies who think the most manly act in this life is to screw somebody. Steve McQueen, Arnold Schwarzennegger and Chuck Norris all took their inspiration from John keep defaming Duke if you will, Liberals. The more you do the more the reasons you do become obvious.
I'm as left wing as they come and I love flicks with John Wayne and Steve McQueen. I'll even admit my guilty pleasure of watching Arnold and Chuck blowing up buildings and shooting terrorists. I may not share their political views, but I certainly love their entertainment! In fact, I own the complete (so far) Rambo series starring a well-known Republican we have come to know and love as Sylvester Stallone.
I think you are generalizing a bit when it comes to implying that all liberals hate movies with John Wayne, Steve McQueen, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Chuck Norris. It's nothing political, just taste.
Science flew people to the Moon, religion flew people into buildings.
Typical neo conservative, seeing so called "Liberals" as some kind of regimented group in lock step, all thinking the same. Simple minded, to say the least.
I'm a left leaning person, and I love the Duke. His cavalry trilogy made with John Ford are among the greatest films ever made. By the way, these films are criticized by many on the left as being racist, which is just more political nonsense. John Ford had great sympathy for Native Americans, in his films they are driven to war by corrupt Indian agents and governmental neglect. So the left is just as guilty as the right in generalizing. Rigid, unthinking ideology is the bane of mankind.
You sir, the poster, are the one who is full of hate. As a typical ideologue, you see the world in black and white, them versus us. I defy you to even define the words "Liberal" and "Conservative", but you can't, since your depth of understanding is as shallow as a mud puddle, and about as pretty.
I am pretty liberal and I don't hate John Wayne, but I don't really like him either, and it has nothing to do with him at all to be honest. When I was a kid my parents moved us every summer, and we had to move to a very rural area where we could only get one channel and it was very snowy. The only channel we could get would show John Wayne movies and you could barely even see them at night. To this day I am still not much for Westerns, John Wayne and all of that because of that whole thing. It has nothing to do with left wing or anything. As a matter of fact until you posted this I didn't even know that John Wayne was right wing. Of course one day I was driving down the road and saw this bumper sticker on a car and it said all these nasty things about Jane Fonda too, and all I knew about her was how she used to do work out videos. See what happens when you only get one television station for about ten years? ;-) I missed about a decade of history there for a while. I had to read up on all of that. Now I know what Jane did, but of course I was really too young to know all this stuff too.
im left leaning and love John Wayne and his films. not this movie obviously, but most. i think you are an absolute moron for painting everyone with the same brush.
You seem to be the only one filled with hate around here.
I have no idea why you would say Liberals defame John Wayne. My husband and I are both Liberals and we own copies of almost all of his movies (certainly not this one) and have both watched since we were in grade school. We love larger than life action stars such as Steve McQueen, Lee Marvin, Burt Lancaster, Charlton Heston, Sylvester Stallone, Henry Fonda, Bruce Willis, Robert Mitchum, Clint Eastwood and Arnold too. Can't stand Chuck Norris but has nothing to do with his politics, just think he makes stupid movies.
No idea what effeminate weenie actors you think we are supposed to prefer though we both do support equal rights for gays including marriage. What that has to do with John Wayne is beyond me. IF you think he didn't like or get along with gays you are crazy. The entire movie industry has many gay people working in it in all types of jobs. Wayne was very loyal and worked with the same casts and crews over and over and yes, some were gay.
A great deal of Americans for whatever bizzare reason have developed this idea that one political party has it all right, and the other one is all wrong. And that if you have a particular party belief, you automatically fall into this kind of cliche. People don't seem to think in anything other than hard extremes, when I think a great deal of real people have feelings that don't fall as rigid to one side as many believe. But then again, I also like to think that most people are smart and think for themselves, and don't buy into the everything that politicians try to make them believe.
"Troll OR idiot?" Since when are those terms mutually exclusive. This has to be ranked in the Top 5 of the most stupid threads ever begun on IMDb. I'm yet another liberal who is a huge John Wayne fan, and I live in Orange County, CA where even the airport is named after him. I used to see him drinking his lunch in a restaurant that I still go to and was absolutely in awe. The only other time I was even close to being as starstruck was when I saw the Yankee Clipper drinking beer in the lobby bar of the Anaheim Marriott. I also had the privilege of meeting Duke's daughter, Aissa, who used to practice law around here and who wrote a very entertaining book cleverly entitled, "John Wayne, My Father." I can't say that I've never allowed politics to enter into my opinion of an actor, but it's exceedingly rare, and the actor has to be much worse than an "average" Republican (if there is such a thing anymore) before I will allow his or her politics to affect my enjoyment of watching them perform. Hell, I watch "Law and Order" all the time, and there aren't many actors in Hollywood who are more reliably right wing than Angie Harmon, and her political mind set frequently seeps through into her character. However, one major exception to my usual rule is Chuck Norris whom I regard as a complete idiot as well as an over the edge, right wing extremist, and who also lives around here. If I ever saw him in a restaurant, I'd walk up and say something like, "We have dinner reservations for four. Is our table ready?"