A Bad Day for Mom
As if living in the desert on a date farm isn't bad enough, this women goes through one helluva rough day.
1. Argues with husband and is overheard by daughter badmouthing her.
2. Ruins her cake.
3. Dog sneaks into her kitchen. Takes attitude from daughter.
4. Alien's resonance destroys all the glassware in the house, including her 'fine china'. Coffee all over the kitchen floor.
5. Ruins another cake.
6. Loses temper on simpleton when he comes in for something to eat.
7. Gets laughed at by Sheriff.
8. Has to yell at simpleton again.
9. Get attacked by her daughter's dog and ends up having to kill it with an axe.
At least it all prepares her for the next day when she gets attacked by the chickens.
"Touch a button. Things happen."