I wonder if...

I wonder if Humphrey Bogart’s “Caine” ever passed by Jimmy Cagney’s “Reluctant” during its travels?

Both captains were dotty. Both actors had the advantage of being allowed by the audience to be seen as "bad guys" in a way that Henry Fonda or Van Johnson never could.


What?! You never spotted it, huh? The USS Caine (DMS-18) was in the task force that Mister Roberts watches go by in the beginning of the movie. Look for the "18", Caine's hull number, on one of the destroyers. That's it.


I had the same feeling, that perhaps Captains Morton and Queeg were related, although Morton originally pre-dated Queeg by about five years - I actually found Morton to be the more tyrannical of the two. And for some reason I kept expecting all those sailers to break into "There is Nothing Like a Dame."

"In my case, self-absorption is completely justified."
