Making scotch on The Disney Channel
It always amused me that, when Mister Roberts was run on The Disney Channel many years ago (late 80s or so), the entire scene where Doc and Doug make scotch for Pulver was cut out of the movie! We saw Doug say, "Doc, let's make some scotch," and then the print jumped immediately to Pulver sitting on his bunk saying, "Thanks, Doc, thanks, Doug," which of course he said after they'd gone through the whole scotch-making business. The whole sequence, one of the funniest in the film, was simply gone (and, as far as the viewer saw, they never did make Frank any scotch).
I guess Disney was so protective of its "family" image (unless, of course, you get into a legal dispute with them) that they felt they had to "protect" kids and families from the secret knowledge of how to make fake scotch using only rubbing alcohol, Coke, iodine and hair tonic. Or maybe Mickey had a drinking problem.