"You are obviously NOT a teacher".
Obviously. However, one don`t need to be a teacher in order to have some clue about human behaviour. Besides, most teachers I`ve seen, haven`t exactly been experts in understanding what makes their pupils tick, or how to handle the hooligans amongst their cattle.
"The over-generalization that 1) they are near-grownups and 2) they are career criminals".
1) Students in a class tend to be of the same age... and most of these seemed well past the early throes of puberty and 2) I wrote "SOME of whom are essentially career criminals" - not exactly a "generalization". And I wasn`t talking about any irrelevant anecdotes, either, but rather of the folk who were actually shown in the film engaging in premeditated criminal activity.
"People who cavalierly shrug and say things like "good luck", are those that would not have the perseverance to be good teachers".
Some of these folks would have needed a warden, or someone like drill instructor Hartman from Full Metal Jacket, not a teacher, good or bad. It`s admirable of Glenn Ford to have tried this impossibly hard, but my idea of teaching doesn`t really go quite as far as trading body blows with the students; in the real world, the realization that most of this zoo was unsalvagable, would have dawned on him, or any teacher, very soon. Which is precisely the problem here - all this talk about "getting through to them", is just hopelessly naive (I wager even a majority of young teenagers of this sort couldn`t be turned around - although they could be tamed... and usually, in a certain age, even those "career criminals" lose interest in raising hell in the school & tormenting teachers). And the film itself believes in this nonsensical romantic idealism, not just Ford.
"Students are also smart enough to know the difference between being condescending and using a cartoon to illustrate a point".
Sorry, but this just didn`t look convincing and neither did the whole dynamic that led to the conclusion we have. It`s not uproariously off-the-wall or downright goofy (it certainly didn`t distract me from generally enjoying the pretty tight drama presented with solid narrative momentum), but it is kinda broad and just doesn`t ring quite right.
"It is an almost snobbish attitude that assumes the only things worth analyzing are those things considered high-brow or sophisticated".
There`s a vast middle ground between the kind of cartoon Ford used and an Ingmar Bergman psychodrama you know.
"I swear to you, the kids were MESMERIZED".
Did you give them horse tranquilizers first lol? But indeed the pupils in BJ were older as well as the worst of the worst gathered together.
Btw, you were asking what would `I` propose should be done... well, there are a couple of elementary steps - firstly, smaller classes. Secondly, weed out the Vic Morrows, i.e. the leading evil influences (there are different kinds of facilities with higher security levels for people like him). Than `maybe` something would come of it.
"facts are stupid things" - Ronald Reagan