novastar_6 says > Well that too, but I doubt she'd be as much if she wasn't stuck at home waiting to pop while he's out there working with a woman who in her mind, the students find alluring enough TO try and rape.
I stand by what I said before; she's petty, insecure, and jealous. In 1955 most married women were housewives. They stayed home all day while their husbands went out to earn a living. This was especially true when they were pregnant. Whatever his job, her husband would either work with women and/or run into them on his way to and from work or in other settings. The odds of at least one of them being attractive to him and other men is very high.
I don't know how anyone can defend such behavior. If she felt stuck at home, bored, waiting to give birth, she should have found herself a hobby or two. Instead, she let her craziness take over until it led to the loss of their baby. While her husband was dealing with actual problems and real stresss she felt the need to imagine a few of her own. She caused him to lose the one thing he had to look forward to in his life, a child. There's no excuse!