brilliant art direction

i just saw this film on TV the other day. The art direction was gorgeous. It's inspired me to see other Sirk films.


and great cinematography/lighting


I smiled when I read that Todd Haynes was trying to make a modern Sirk film in "Far from Heaven," because I knew he'd never get the look right. Technicolor was unlike anything else. It was a dye-saturation process and rather labor-intensive to produce the prints. A few years ago, you could still have prints made in China, but I don't know now. Hollywood won't even make films anymore using the process they used in "The Godfather," let alone make new technicolor films. Haynes cranked up the color, but everything looked washed out by comparison, when it should have looked brilliantly intense.

***You must be old and wrinkled to have that type of reaction. - Liana***


I wondered about that when I saw "Far From Heaven". I asked myself why they went through all the trouble with art direction but not use Technicolor. It's sure a shame that it is no longer possible to get that 'look' in a movie. I wonder if it can be simulated with a computer.

"I love corn!"
