50's tear jerkers

I was a small child, a preschooler. My Ma would go downtown to the movie palaces with one of her girlfriends to see one of these flicks. We would eat lunch at a department store tea room I saw this and Peyton Place with my Ma. Oh for the good old days!!!!!


I saw "Imitation of Life" with my parents at a drive-in as a child, and I was DISTRAUGHT over it. When Annie died, I cried till I was dehydrated.

***You must be old and wrinkled to have that type of reaction. - Liana***


I know what you mean. The daughter came back all teary and sorry, but it was too late! Be nice to the old folks! You won't regret it!


Her mom forgave her. Angels don't hold grudges.


This movie's star, Jane Wyman was one of the true queens of tear-jerker movies. She's just heartbreaking in JOHNNY BELINDA and the wildly underrated MIRACLE IN THE RAIN, as well as SO BIG and the seldom seen THE BLUE VEIL.
