Snow ...

I am mostly referring to my favorites, the old B&W episodes. I can only remember 2 episodes that had snow in them. I realize that it was probably cost-prohibitive ... to have to blow in insulation (or whatever) to look like winter, but it just seems like there shoulda been a lot more episodes in HARD, COLD weather. I LOVED the Magnus episode (Christmas, also)!
I wish there could've been some gun duels in the snow ... maybe some fist-fights on Front Street? Just an observation ...


There was an on-location episode that wasn't supposed to have snow, but did. They had to write around it.


Snow Train was a 2 parter. It was awesome. I saw it when I was a kid.

Currently, I am on season 8. I haven't seen snow yet, but there was some with pouring rain.

Smoke me a kipper. I'll be back for breakfast


to have to blow in insulation (or whatever) to look like winter
Weren't soap flakes used for snow? I've seen it in a lot of productions...where it's obvious the cast is walking through soap suds.


They might have been used for scenes in which people didn't have to walk through them. I think painted cornflakes were used fairly often.

Frank Capra developed some new form of artificial snow (he was a chemist), which (I think) was used in It's a Wonderful Life.


Grizzledgeezer... they must have used spray paint to make the cornflakes white. I can't imagine how time consuming it would have been to use a brush.

I don't know if its a myth, but when Spielberg shot Jaws, it was in the fall, but the story took place around the 4th of July. The art crew had to paint the leaves on the trees green.

In 2002, I was living in Vancouver Canada. The Santa Clause 2 (with Tim Allen) was being being shot in front of my apartment. They used truck loads of confetti to simulate snow. Everything was cleaned up by morning. It was an operation worthy of Mission: Impossible, I swear they left no evidence that they had ever been there!

I'm on season 8 and so far, there hasn't been a single snow flake in Gunsmokee.

Smoke me a kipper. I'll be back for breakfast


In "The Public Enemy" they used beach sand for snow. As Cagney stumbles along the street and collapses on the steps, it's obvious he's kicking up sand.


Come to think of it, I DO remember those episodes now! Thanks, StarGazer!

I'm gonna hunt for U, I WILL find U, and I will KILL U! L.Neeson - TAKEN


peace on earth, good will to all men and happy holidays, MovieHawk59.

I am now on season 9, ep 3 Legends Don't Sleep... there's been cold days, rainy days, but no snow yet. I'm keeping my eyes open.

...stay tuned!

Smoke me a kipper. I'll be back for breakfast


Magnus Season1, Episode 12 has snow. In fact, it is Christmas and we see flakes falling when Doc Adams points to a man on a horse and lets Chester that this guy was long for him.

Smoke me a kipper. I'll be back for breakfast


And no glass or shutters covering the jail windows, just bars. During winter, anybody in the jail would have frozen to death. There were glass windows and a wood stove in the office, but the door separating it from the cells was usually kept closed.
