A Childhood Favorite

This series was one of my two childhood favorites (ROCKY JONES, SPACE RANGER was the other). I have very good copies of 133 of the 143 episodes. If anyone is interested, you may send me an e-mail message for a list of the 10 episodes I need. Perhaps we can trade something I have for something you want. I can accept and send Super VHS, standard VHS, Beta and ED Beta.


I hope you are enjoying the first series now available on DVD.This was such a major series,I am amazed it is not shown more.I notice that some episodes were colourised for feature length.
It seems a pity that more information of the production has not been made,I think there was a financial problem with the production at the end.Paul Eddington was wrong in his book saying production ceased in January,1958 it must have been 1959.This may account for why the last season was shown after a year in 1960.
Morton Lowry who appeared in the last series seems to have retired after 1959/1960 his death only being realised in 1997 when he had died in 1987.
I wonder if the film Sword of Sherwood Forest will ever be released on DVD.
Let us hope the DVD has been successful enough for the three other series to be put on DVD.
It is fortunate the series was made in film and therefore not lost as so many television programmes.
Among people involved at those studios who are still alive are Patricia Driscoll,Leslie Phillips,Peter Asher,and William Russell.
I hope you obtain the missing ten episodes


I just got the first four volumes on Alpha DVD. I didn't want to order more in case I found my fondness was colored by childhood nostalgia. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I was wrong. In spite of some obvious flaws, the series holds up and is still my favorite incarnation of Robin Hood.

One issue I have with the collection so far is that the episodes are not in sequence, which messes up the continuity considerably. Fortunately, I printed out the chronological episode list and am attempting to watch the series in the proper order.

The only other problem is that I've yet to hear the entire theme song in any of the episodes. The closing theme is run with the closing credits, but nowhere (so far) has the entire song with the verse been played. A shame, since this is one of the all-time great TV theme songs.

I am, however, pleased enough that I will definitely be ordering the rest of the collection!


The series "The Adventures Of Robin Hood" still holds up as a magnificent example of televisual entertainment. As was the case with other contributors, I feared that the series might have seemed dated. Obviously, there are certain limitations in the production of the series but it is still great value and fantastic fun. The episodes still shine after all these years, a real tribute to all those invoved in the series' production. I'd recommend the DVD of the first series to anyone and I'm about to order the remaining series.


I've finished watching the 60 episodes I was able to get my hands on and in the meantime, found a source for the entire 143-episode run—in chronological order—at a bargain-basement price. I'm waiting anxiously for the DVDs to arrive, especially as the Alpha set is missing some of the darker, more adult-themed episode that I really want to see.


Let us know, please, how the 143 episode set turns out. I am waiting with baited breath! Also, the cool old-toy publication "Playset Magazine" has a Robin Hood Playset issue coming out!

YE must be born again


any fans of the richard greeene robin hood show check out my facebook group at



Another childhood favorite shown on Australian TV along with Superman, Jet Jackson, Casey Jones, The Lone Ranger and heaps others.
