Fess Parker
Sometimes, you wonder what producers see in specific performances.
Did anyone else think that Fess Parker was really hammy and hokey in this, as the Texan pilot who spots the flying ants ?
According to the trivia page, Walt Disney watched this movie, thinking to cast James Arness as Dan'l Boone in his upcoming TV show. And after watching the movie, decided to cast Fess Parker instead. WTF ???
Admittedly James Arness was nothing more than functional in a very undifferentiated role, so it would have been hard for him to make much impact, but Fess Parker ? There didn't seem anything in that performance that would suggest he could handle an ongoing lead role. (And I haven't seen "Daniel Boone" since I was a kid, so I don't remember whether he was any good after all or not.)
Any other thoughts ?