
LOL - THEM! is frickin' awesome!

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the size of Elephants!!!

I've read the thread: "Remake...?"
I saw a few very good reasons for not wanting a re-make.

However, what about DOG-sized Ants???
(Do NOT think "Dants!" -- please)

Like the species of Formicidae, Canine familiaris appear in several different sizes and territorial traits.

Imagine this if you will: "THEM! MILLIONS OF ... THEM!!"

I'm just wondering if any "THEM!" fans are pro-remake.

My Head Hurst.


Yeah sure. We need a remake as much as I need a hole in my head.


Does that mean you do or do not want to see a remake?
After all, you need a hole in your head to breath.



You also need a hole in your head to see, hear, eat and drink.



No need for a remake. It's fine as it is.


I'm almost entirely against remakes, but I think Them COULD potentially be a good candidate for it. Assuming, of course, that you get a good director. If you could sustain that eeriness the movie opens on, with the little girl wandering through the desert with a broken doll, for the entire film, and show as little of the giant insects as possible (and use minimal CGI when you DO show them) and build great characters and give it a very slow, absorbing pace and really punch up the atmosphere, I think a remake could be great. My ideal director for such a project would be someone like M. Night Shyamalan (circa The Sixth Sense, not The Hsppening, obviously), or the guy who directed Let the Right One In.

Of course, knowing Hollywood, they'd probably give it to some hack who would use way too much CGI, show the insects too much, dumb down characters and dialogue, and kill any hint of suspense or tension with flashy, M-TV style visuals and editing.

Finally I can stop suffering and write that symphony!


"'m almost entirely against remakes, but I think Them COULD potentially be a good candidate for it. Assuming, of course, that you get a good director. If you could sustain that eeriness the movie opens on, with the little girl wandering through the desert with a broken doll, for the entire film, and show as little of the giant insects as possible (and use minimal CGI when you DO show them) and build great characters and give it a very slow, absorbing pace and really punch up the atmosphere, I think a remake could be great"

You know...an argument COULD be made that James Cameron's 'Aliens' WAS a Remake/Tribute of sorts for 'Them'--at it had GIANT 'bugs', soldiers in cramped quarters, and a traumatized little girl who carried a broken doll....

