Actually, "Kingdom of the Spiders" was a theatrical release. I recall it being quite popular, and I think that it played theaters, not drive-ins, most places. I don't recall it being considered a "schlocky" movie, not like "The Giant Spider Invasion", with its Volkswagen spiders (not all that bad really) and the infamous spider-in-the-blender moment. I think "Kingdom" really holds up, especially that final aerial shot. It's definitely one of the better eco-horror movies.
Tiffany Bolling IS a very pretty lady, and she generally gave solid performances, even managing to hold up to the mayhem in "Wicked, Wicked". I recall becoming a fan of her and a number of other actors through "The New People" (1969-70 TV series), a 45-minute percursor to "Lost" that fit together with a 45-minute variety series hosted by David Steinberg (often accompanied by King Kong's foot *giggle*). (I see that it's listed as "Music Scene" on IMDb, but I don't recall that being the name, so my memory failed me, as it occasionally can.)
It's interesting that the radioactive critters of previous decades became ecological terrors in the Seventies and beyond. Hmmmm... When was the last time we had an RC?