THEM! 3D camera tests
There are rumors about stereoscopic 3D camera tests that were supposedly made for Them!
One individual claims to have a camera report, but will not show it to anyone, thereby undermining his credibility.
Nonetheless, it is well know that the film was planned for 3D.
One rumor has it that the ants (which are clearly constructed for 3D photography: look at the eyes) did not look good in 3D.
Does anyone have any actual information on the camera tests?
Does anyone know of the whereabouts of the actual film shot in the camera tests?
(It's not a given that Warner Brothers would have this film: it may have been thrown out and rescued or stolen).
There ARE existing pieces of footage of Jack Warner announcing that THEM! was to be shot in CINEMASCOPE and color, but hardly anyone has ever seen this footage for reasons known only to the people who control it.