MovieChat Forums > Them! (1954) Discussion > no sorrow for peterson after he dies

no sorrow for peterson after he dies

i loved this movie when i was a kid an i just got it on DVD, an it still one of the best nuclear horror age classic,but I was kinda struck a bit that thier was no reaction from the doctors that Ben Peterson was killed,all Pat Medoford's reation was that Robert Graham was still alive(James Arness) Maybee a total waste of time thinking of it.but was courous why Gordon Douglas Didn't add the docktor's concern of Peterson,after all he did find the nest an saved the kids.


Great point!

When I saw this as a kid, I remember disbelief. Heroes didn't die in these kind of movies!

I own Them and watch it occasionally. It holds up incredibly well, especially the action sequences. My favorite editing moment is when the army moves into the sewers. The cutting, music, and pacing is very contemporary. This film truly was ahead of its time and easily the best of the radiation/mutation monster least parallel to the original Godzilla (check out the Japanese version without the cheesey Raymond Burr added footage to tell American audiences what was happening because apparently...American audiences couldn't see for themselves that Godzilla was emerging from Tokyo Bay, etc.).

Ben Peterson is one of my favorite heroes...he's a classic movie hero -- reluctant, tough, just has to do what has to be done, and willing to sacrifice himself. I always felt those kids must have felt pretty crappy...



Personally I think Petersan dying spoiled the whole movie.


We don't even know, for sure, that Peterson dies. It seems like that is the message that they are trying to convey but, why call for medics if, he's dead? I always wanted Peterson to fry that last ant before putting Mike & Jerry through the pipe. I guess they felt a need to kill one of the heroes off so, Pat has a clear and unmuddled choice of mate?


James Arness character was in love with Pat so I guess they couldnt kill HIM off.


Wow! I saw this movie first in GER, about 1976, or so. And I exactly wondered, why Sgt. Peterson didn't take the appropriate time to kill this single ant, and then helps the kids. Sometimes, heroes are too heroic, as it seems.
Besides, it's a great movie, with enough thrill and good actors.


I always thought that Peterson couldn't get that last ant without incinerating those kids too. A flamethrower isn't exactly a pinpoint weapon

Ursa the ghost bear


You can see Peterson take off the flamethrower to help the two kids get up to the pipe, so when that last ant shows up, he doesn't HAVE a weapon capable of killing the ant quickly, so he does the very selfless thing and makes sure both kids are in the pipe before trying to get up himself.


You nailed it. Well done.

Superb film. Ben Peterson is one my all time favorite heroes in movies.

One more transfusion, and I'll be a full-blooded Irishman.
-Peter Cushing in Island of Terror


Remember, another soldier was crushed and they kept moving on, to get all the ants. There was no time for sorrow, not yet anyway. It's war, and you can't stop and mourn, or you'll be mourned. But of course, it's a movie and they *could* have showed some more reaction shots. But I think it was already very upsetting that he got caught and killed by the ants to save the kids, that more reaction might be too much.

Nowadays, you'd have 5 minutes spent on close ups for each of the actors with requisite fake tears to show how versatile our present-day celebrity so-called actors are. Back then, THEM! was a standard studio picture - Get it done, and start the next one. Of course, now we know that yesterday's journeyman Hollywood is far superior to the accolade-swamped, award-saturated self congratulatory movie industry with associated merchandising that passes for entertainment today.

THEM! is a superb film in every way. Your point is well taken, but I can also see the reasons for not dwelling on his death too much in reaction shots.

As a kid, that scene was shocking. Still chokes me up. I think it's the saving the kids aspect that does it. And of course the wonderful shadow work that really gets the blood moving just before that.

Well done scene.

The entire film is uploaded and celebrated at:


One more transfusion, and I'll be a full-blooded Irishman.
-Peter Cushing in Island of Terror


Maybe sensing it would further upset Robert Graham, the doctors did not mention the death. Also, considering what they were going through and what they had to do, they probably did not think to say anything.

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