not a good movie

first of all i do not give a shit that its was "groundbreaking" (it was not. the same idea was done to death in books prior to that)

its boring. its dragged too long. the action scenes did not aged well. its overly long. seriously it dosent need to be 3 hours. its not the godfather. just some stupid plot of farmers vs raiders nonsense.

i did not watched the magnificent 7 and i dont care. but i did watched alot of samurai films that are superior to this garbage. 2 of them by masaki kobayashi who is much more talented then korrosawa. korrosawa is basically the pretentious spielberg of japanse cinema. who direct shmaltzy movies that mainly people in the west over-rate.

most of korrosawa films are bad. tbh.

another samurai film that is much better then this one is samurai assasin. actually there are alot of them including modern ones who are much better then this one.

harakiri and samurai rebelion (1962) (1967). also in black and white. have less action scenes then this one and have much better writing

they are also critiqe the samurai class who were bunch of psychopaths while korrosawa love to romantasize them in his movies

1/10 from me


No, it's not a good movie. It's a fantastic movie. One of the very best ever made.


Well said! It's endlessly rewatchable & enjoyable & movingly humane.
