Does anyone think the song Lonesome Polecat is a, peculiar?
I have this movie on the it the other day off TCM. I was watching it yesterday, and my 14 year old daughter came in and sat down with me to watch it. She hasn’t seen it since she was around 3, so she didn't remember any of it. She really liked the movie and was watching it with much enjoyment until the song Lonesome Polecat came on. She watched in silence, and then asked me to rewind that part. After the song was over, she said, "Ewwww, can't make no vows to a herd of cows? A man can't sleep when he sleeps with sheep? What the HECK was going on at this farm?" I busted out laughing, because the lyrics are a bit odd...but I found it amusing coming from a girl who keeps begging me to let her watch Jersey Shore because all her friends are. (I say no.) I'm sure she'd see and hear MUCH worse from that show...LOL. I told her that I didn’t think the brothers were sleeping with their sheep in any sort of bad way…but I had to admit to myself that the lyrics could seem a bit…peculiar.