The dancing in Lonesome Polecat

I know there has been discussion about the lyrics of Lonesome Polecat, but not that much has been said about the choreography and dancing of this number. I think the choreography is brilliant. I've read comments and articles by dance experts, praising the choreography and execution of this dance.

The choreography is in keeping with the daily life and chores of the brothers, but it also conveys how depressed they are about not being able to be with their sweethearts. I love what they do with those axes and other tools, sawing logs and splitting wood. The ballet interlude (that is done by, I believe, Matt Mattox) is really beautiful, and also beautifully portrays the longing (or "pining" as Millie puts it) and loneliness.

The musical arrangement of the song does the same, with the long drawn-out "ooo-ooo-ooo-oooo"s. And also the way they drop the last note of each line, as in "I'm a li'l old hoot owl, hootin' in the trees..." (they dropped the notes on "owl" and "trees").

Sadly underrated number. The dance at the barn raising deserves all the credit it gets, but let's remember how effective Lonesome Polecat is as conveying the emotions that the characters are experiencing.


I agree!! Matt Mattox is awesome.


Not only all that but it was amazingly shot in just one take! They nailed it the first time.


Exactly. I love the barn raising dance, but every time I see the movie I can't wait to see "Lonesome Polecat", too. Great choreography, dancing, and song.
