Single American men of 1950's movies
My wife was doing the ironing in the kitchen while watching some bloody ridiculous cookery programme on the telly, so I took the opportunity to view SOTI again after a years break from it. Anyway, the missus joined me in the living room after the film had been on an hour, and as usual, I heard her say, "You surely are not watching it AGAIN are you?" but she had brought some coffee and biscuits and joined me for twenty minutes.
Being a perceptive and intelligent woman, she remarked that it was very strange that all the American men in 1950's movies all seemed to be single, yet they are all handsome heterosexuals in their late 30's - 40's.
She has a point, my beloved wife, hasn't she?
Surely most men of the ages that the Charlton Heston, Robert Young and Thomas Mitchell characters were in the movie would surely have been married in that era. After all, most couples married very young during the war and soon after.
The internet is for lonely people. People should live. Charlton Heston