The name 'Tacy'

I can't figure out what the formal name is...Tacy is a nickname right?

Also, I don't agree they should have bothered to change their names, but obviously,they picked "Tacy and Nicky" because they sound like "Lucy & Ricky" ....but to 99 % of viewers....they WERE Lucy & Ricky !


That name is short for Anastacia. Tacy said it before they were going to visit her aunts. She was her aun't namesake.


No matter how many times I watch this.. I still think I am watching a special episode of I Love Lucy.



The Long, Long Trailer is like a I Love Lucy road trip. The cooking dinner while the trailer was traveling scene could have been any I Love Lucy episode.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


A little bit, but Lucy's character seemed a lot more self assured at times and Desi's character a quite a bit more understanding towards his 'new wife' much more willing to please her and accept her as an equal in the on screen marriage.


Interesting interpretation, reslyn. I saw the I Love Lucy couple differently. Lucy as the naughty, mischievous child and Ricky as the exasperated, eternally forgiving adult. Of course a few episodes they got out of those roles, but that seemed to be the gist of the series.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


I know! Sometimes I think the only way I could love this film more would be if it'd been an actual I Love Lucy movie (complete with Mertzes.) ^-^ But as it is, it's a comedic masterpiece that rode rightfully on the well-deserved popularity and success of ILL...and for those of us who love to travel with trailers it's even better. XD I've watched it on TV but I will really need to record or buy it sometime. I just <3 this movie.


When I first watched this movie as a kid I swear I thought their names were Lucy and Ricky lol

Here's a slinky, go play.


For fun, one could assume this was that unnamed movie that Ricky Ricardo starred in during those I LOVE LUCY Hollywood episodes, with his female co-star being one Lucille Ball! Vincent Minnelli was the director of this film and Ricky did state he was going to have lunch with Mr. Minnelli in one of those episodes (Lucy Gets Into Pictures).
