Hitchcock's Clever Defiance?
I just got the 3D Blu-ray version of this and, while the transfer was flawed (ghosting and such) it was interesting to watch.
I think I read somewhere that Hitchcock was pressured by the studio into doing a 3D film, and that he grudgingly complied. But I'm wondering if he then purposely chose, as the source of his 3D film, a talky, static stage play, as a defiant gesture to the studio, and did little to open it up for film. There is practically no action in this film, and it is a perfect example of his genius that he still delivered, IMHO, an absorbing and interesting film. (Hitch won in the end, because the film was given fairly limited 3D release, and achieved its success on the strength of its acting and direction.)
That same year he did Rear Window, and shortly afterward he did To Catch a Thief. He may well have chosen either of those projects which would seem to lend themselves to 3D a bit better; in Rear Window, for example, it may have enhanced the proximity illusion of the various apartments surrounding the courtyard. (Please note: I'm not arguing that Rear Window or To Catch a Thief needed any such gimmicks. I'm just pointing out that Hitchcock obviously had other projects in the works with which he could have satisfied the studio's demand for a 3D feature.)
Does anyone know any source that discusses this particular studio-director "conflict," and are my assumptions even close?