Creature in 3-D!

Anybody living in the Austin area will be happy to know that on Sunday May 15, 2005, The Alamo Drafthouse will be showing Creature in 3-D, at 4:00.
It is one of the only theaters in the world set up with polarized lenses to show true 3-D, so no red and blues here.


I was lucky enough to see this in 3D while I was incollege, in the 70's. It is an amazing film in 3D. Are there any 3D DVD's that anyone knows of? I would love to be able to show my kids how good this movie looks, especially the underwater scenes.



I watched House of Wax, Dial M for Murder, Friday the 13th part 3-d, Miss Sadie Thompson,and Creature all in 3-d polarized.
They were beautiful prints that looked as good as the IMAX 3d that is so popular now.
If you ever get a chance to see these films in polarized 3-d, dont miss it, I cant even describe how great a scene like Rita Haywoth dancing in a smoke filled bar with a bunch of horny marines looks in Sadie Frost.
I've never seen anything like it before.


How much better are the polarized effects than the red/blue effects? From what I understand-they are far, far superior.



Thanks for the info.
How hard/expensive is it to find shutterglass versions of these films? A while back I saw a package of really bad 3D movies that seemed to use this effect. It came with the entire system. I don't remember it being that expensive-so I wonder if it would be a good idea to start there and then add to my collection through ebay. However, I don't want to be stuck with a bunch of crappy movies with no way of finding the films that I really want.
Thanks again.



I just stumbled across the old Super 8 digest of this in 3D. Universal 8 (formerly known as Castle Films) used to release reels of highlights from films in the pre-vcr days of the 1950s, '60s and '70s. During the 1970s, they released an 18-20 minute long condensed version of this in 3D for use on your home movie projector. I lucked into a copy over the weekend and ran it. At 18 minutes, there is little wasted footage! Lots of action, and the 3D effect on a large screen was a lot of fun. (I know, I know..."boys with their toys.")
