Have you ever noticed.....?

This is one of my favorite creature feature movies from the 1950s. First saw it in the late 1960s on an old black and white 13" television on a UHF channel. Loved it then, love it now.

I'm curious if anyone else has noticed something that happens when they first encounter the gillman underwater. Mark Williams spears the creature in the front torso. In the next scene, as the monster is swimming away, you can clearly see that the spear is now sticking out of the monsters back. Hmmmm...

Hope to see this film soon for the first time on the big screen in my area (RI). It should be a blast!




Nah! Check the scene out and you'll see that's not what happened. It's just a blooper, but I've never heard anyone else make mention of it before.


Yeah it's definitely a blooper. The spear is at such an angle in his bvack that it rules out any possibility that it went all the way through when Mark shot it in the chest. Whoops! Ah well, mistakes happen...

"don't think...feeeeel"
