3-D or Color?
If they were going to make a new DVD release of this movie, and they could re-master it with one and only one new effect, which would you rather see, a 3-D version or Colorized? It would either be a 3-D B&W presentation, or it would be Colorized, it would not be both.
Before you say how bad Colorization is, I would suggest watching some recently colorized movies like "It Came from Beneath the Sea" and "20 Million Miles to Earth". These were other Sci-Fi Monster movies from the same time period as Creature from the Black Lagoon. The new Color process is really very good in my opinion.
Let's say that the DVD would be like the other movies I just mentioned: on the DVD, you would have the option of watching it in a 2-D B&W version or the special version. Both versions would be on the same disc and you would have the option of switching versions anytime during the movie.
Yes, you could probably have a 3-D version, Colorized and 2-D B&W all on the same disc, but I'm just curious to see what version would win the most votes.
What do you think?