Somebody Pinch Me!!

Tell me I'm not just seeing things!!

I also posted this on the Classic movie board. -Collection-Blu-ray/35661/ k-lagoon-universal-blu-ray/

I was just listing Dial "M" For Murder which is coming in 3D and wanting to see other classic 3d's coming.

And now it looks as if the plan is to include a remastered 3D Creature from the Black Lagoon in Oct as part of a Blu-ray Classic Horror Universal set.

I really hope this goes according to plan! Can't wait!!

"Creature from the Black Lagoon" the way it was intended!!


I have always wanted to see this one in 3D but I don't have a 3D t.v. so this won't work for me. Still I'm pleased that it will be there for me when I do get a 3D t.v..


The whole set of movies in "Universal Classic Monsters: The Essential Collection" Blu-Ray will contain:

Dracula (US and Spanish versions)
The Bride of Frankenstein
The Mummy
The Invisible Man
The Wolf Man
Phantom of the Opera
Creature From the Black Lagoon(3D & 2D versions)
(Also A 48 page book will be included)

ALL remastered in Hi Def. I would've gotten this even if I didn't have a 3D yet. So if the price tag of an 8 movie set isn't too prohibitive (and of course you like the other Universal classics) the set is still a good bet.

I haven't heard anything about individual Blu-ray releases yet, but I'll bet they'll eventually follow.

As of this writing (July 17th) the pre-order price is $112.00 (or about $14 a movie). not too bad a price. It may go down, but probably not by much.

Here's a decent link explaining extras etc. essential-collection-blu-ray

I will also keep my "Legacy Collection" DVD's as they have sequals etc. But this really looks like it will be one killer (ouch!) set!


I recently bought this set - more for the Frankenstein movies, The Mummy, Dracula and Wolf Man.

Having never seen Creature From the Black Lagoon and knowing almost nothing about it, I watched it for the first time.

The 3D amazed me. Absolutely amazed me. The 3D is just as impressive as most of my current 3D titles, if not more so than some post converted to 3D. It's hard for me to believe the 3D looked the same to audiences in 1954. Current technology had to have improved it greatly. Picture is clear as a bell.

As for the movie itself, the creature is visually interesting and the underwater scenes really make it, but it's extremely shallow. It's pretty much 1 hour of cat-and-mouse stuff between the creature and the characters on the same lagoon with really no plot at all. Not among my favorite Universal monster films, but didn't hate it.

I also fell in love with Julia Adams. Good lord, what a beautiful woman.
