Going to Admiral Halsey's Carrier...
I admit I've not read the book, so I don't know if there's a detailed explanation, but I've always wondered about Maryk, Keefer and Keith's trip to Admiral Halsey's carrier for the purpose of asking that Queeg be relieved of command for medical reasons.
You'd think that Queeg would need to authorize any launches from the Caine. At least he'd have to be told that a launch was being made.
Perhaps things were done without Queeg's knowledge, but it seems like Maryk, Keefer and Keith took a big chance. I assume that Maryk would have had to notify the carrier of their visit.
I can't realistically see three officers taking a launch to pay an unannounced visit to the "headquarters" of the fleet.
I know Hollywood takes creative license with a lot of time elements in movies, but you have to wonder just how long the excursion to Halsey's carrier took. You'd figure that Queeg would have noticed if his XO, Maryk and junior XO, Keith weren't around for an hour or two.