MovieChat Forums > Tôkyô monogatari (1972) Discussion > Funniest movie I've seen in a while

Funniest movie I've seen in a while

I was watching this movie in class today (I study film and media science in Denmark) and damn, it's been a long time since I've laughed so hard. Me and my friends were cracking up during the scene where the grandfather and his friend comes home drunk, when the daughter kept saying "Iiiiiih" to everything that was said to her, when that lady towards the end, with the biggest grin on her face, keeps reminding the grandfather that he's gonna be lonely, when you see the baby in the dome... *beep* there was a ton of funny moments.

This was a comedy, right?


Not sure why you've had so many nasty responses as that scene is obviously intended to be amusing. The way the father wobbilingly enters the salon and how her daughter says "Why Father!" cracked me up. As did the parts where he and his friend muttered undechiperable mumbling to the daughter. I also liked when the daughter was trying to talk to them and his friend said something like "Be quiet!" in her own home.  That same actor, who plays the friend, also does a similar scene in Ozu's later film An Autumn Afternoon, which can be quite amusing as well, especially the way he demands to his daughter constantly "Daughter, BEER!", with his eyes closed and head drooping down to the floor.

This film has a mix of emotions. I laughed so hard during that scene that I could barely breath and in the final scenes of the film I weeped uncontrollably. Beautiful.

"Bars during the day are like women without make-up"


I think OP is on to something. I didn't find the movie funny (unlike Early Summer), but if you think of those scenes out of context they can be unintentionally funny.

I wonder how much Ozu's movies really portrays Japanese society in 50s. The way everyone acts in an overly stiff politeness while keeping the same smile for hours is perhaps partially a director's construct. Because elsewhere in Japanese media people switch from polite to *beep* crazy in seconds.


"Bro, I'm so smart. I find dark humor in everything." Just shut up...
