
When stonewall is shotby Wilson he falls flat on his back and lands in thick mud
When the swede brings the body to starret
Draped over the horse face down, his back is pristine no mud on the jacket or the arms
Any other goofs I missed?


Maybe it rained on the way back.


There used to be a car visible at the start when Shane is first arriving at the Starrets farm,but i think it has been digitally removed on the DVD,but was visible on my old VHS tape from the 1980s.

There is also a continuity error near the end of the film where when Shane is saying goodbye to Marion he has a face full of stubble and when he says goodbye to Joey after killing Wilson a few minutes later he is clean shaven,perhaps he bought a shaving kit from Graftons earlier in the film and had a shave on his way to the killing.

It's still in my top 10 films after all these years,goofs and all.


I can't see the car but I will check out Shane's shave
I agree - it's an excellent film and now that I have I to tape I shall watch it much more often
I had practically forgotten about it for decades
Thanks to TCM I rediscovered it for myself when I set my recorder for everything with van Heflin
Now I am trying to capture Alan Ladd movies
So far I have seen whispering smith
I liked it


Alan Ladd's career never recovered when he left Paramount Studios after Shane,he starred in some very average movies,but of the ones i have seen,he was good in his final film,The CarpetBaggers and he was very good in The Blue Dahlia which was pre-Shane and an early success for him.Happy Viewing.
