R.I.P. The Good Guy with a Gun!
Guns are symbolic for good and evil, and that's why the NRA promotes guns as a way to play the good guy with a gun.
We played the good guy with a gun as a child, but we are admonished to put away childish things.
The good guy with a gun is epitomized by Shane who tried to live up to the creed of the tool (gun) as only as good or as bad as the person using it, but at the end he didn't think you could do anything good with a weapon, as he tried to tell Joey not to romanticize him.
Joey in his innocence wanted to believe in the good guy with a gun (knight in shining armor), and we wonder if he ever understood what Shane was trying to have him understand (there is no good guy with a gun.)
There are only people who promote weapons to make money, because weapons don't know anything about good and bad guys, but just do what they're made for in killing people, and only God can sort them out.
The Devil will tempt you with guns, but once you make the bargain with the Devil for guns, you belong to the Devil, and you can't cheat the Devil, as the Devil will have its due.
You don't get guns for nothing, they're a bargain with the Devil, and the Devil delights in mocking God.
If weapons could save you, God is mocked, because Jesus is seen as an unarmed victim nailed to the cross, but Jesus triumphed on the cross, as his faith in God saved him.
God is not mocked, but Americans are mocked in the NRA's bargain with the Devil, and the Devil will have its due (innocent people daily killed and wounded with guns.)
The original good guy was without a weapon, as he trusted his self-defense to God.
If you come with a weapon you come without faith, and if you come without faith you come without God.
It takes a good guy without a weapon to stop a bad guy with a weapon.
If any other gospel is preached, it is of the Devil to make money from weapons, and Shane died in vain.
I open-carry Jesus for the best self-defense.