The dog

I watched the movie yesterday for the first time in years, although I was called away from the tv set periodically and missed a couple of scene. I had always thought that the dog who accompanied Joey to the final shoot-out was the Starretts' dog, but yesterday it seemed as if he was Torrey's dog and then was adopted by the Starretts. Given all the metaphysical symbolism in this movie, I'm wondering if the dog was some kind of death angel.


Dogs were an important component of this movie.

Lets not forget the barroom dog who slinks out of the bar when Shane comes in and starts bracing Ryker and Wilson.

The dog understands that there's some bad sh!t going down soon.

Soy 'un hijo de la playa'


Heh. You guys might be onto something here, re: dogs. The Godfather movies were the same way -- if you substitute oranges for dogs!


Dogs are smart. They can key off of human emotions.
