MovieChat Forums > Shane (1953) Discussion > This REALLY needs a remake

This REALLY needs a remake

As a kid, I read this book numerous times, but being a child of the 80s, this movie never quite felt like it had the right look to me, and I'd love to see it remade well. I'm talking really well done - not some Hollywood hack job like they do on some movies.

I realize that there have been some Shane-esque movies done, such as "Pale Rider," but I'd like to see it done to where they stay faithful to the novel, and have it cast really well.

The problem is, there's no money in it - it's an old enough book and movie that I don't think it would be the cash cow Hollywood expects every movie to be.

Thoughts? If it did get made, who would be good casting choices? I pick Barry Pepper for Wilson, but who'd be a good Shane?

My name is Gladiator - Maximus Decimus Meridius


It's already unofficially been remade by Clint Eastwood as Pale Rider, though strangely no credit to the writers of Shane, but the similarities are undeniable.🐭


I know that "Shane" was used as source material, but it's still not a full remake. At this point though, I'm not sure a full remake would get it done - the younger generations probably have never even heard of "Shane" - either the book or the film

My name is Gladiator - Maximus Decimus Meridius


Pale Rider is a mix of Shane and High Plains Drifter.

What we got here is... failure to communicate!


There is nothing wrong with this movie, no remake is necessary.


I tend to agree, but there was nothing wrong with "True Grit" either...and yet I'm actually glad it was remade. Now I enjoy both versions.


I tend to agree, but there was nothing wrong with "True Grit" either...and yet I'm actually glad it was remade. Now I enjoy both versions.

I completely agree - I think that the remake of "True Grit" is FAR superior to the original, and I think that if "Shane" was to be given a similar treatment, it would wind up being a great movie.

My name is Gladiator - Maximus Decimus Meridius


The original movie of "True Grit" was superior, whether or not it followed the book as closely as the second version. John Wayne's performance was much more natural, nuanced, and charismatic. I like Jeff Bridges, but his main contribution to the Cogburn character was to talk like a drunk stroke victim, for no apparent reason.


I agree. I can see it now. Starring Justin Bieber and Madonna. Shane would naturally have to be gay (not that there's anything wrong with that), Joey bi-racial, there'd be lots of explosions and special effects, maybe even a transformer or two, plenty of social justice messages, product placements, a modern below-mediocre score, tons of F-bombs in the dialogue, and global warming would replace the Rykers as the real villian. All to make it more relevent for today's sophisticated audience.


. . . Don't forget the fire-breathing dragon rising up from behind the Grand Teton mountains uttering cryptic platitudes about the mistreatment of Indians (Morgan Freeman, of course, has to do this with digitally modified vocal inflections) before incinerating Grafton's gen'l store.


You are obviously another visionary with great ideas. You inspired me. I now want to see others "modernized". Like "Casablanca", due to its forgetable dialogue and lack of role models of drug dealers, pimps and serial killers. Then there's that silly "A Man For All Seasons". I mean, come on! A man who would choose death rather than compromise his principles? Wouldn't be believed today. On second thought, that film should just be banned... due to its moral propaganda and hurting the feelings of the character-challenged. Don't even get me started on "Out Of The Past". Who wrote that stupid dialogue? Ah, the list is endless.


I share your frustrations, Catch. I'll be working on this to be sure. "Never say die" is my motto. Say . . . let's get together next Christmas (ah, sorry, "Winter Holiday"}, start a bonfire and burn all the old "crap" we haven't been able to FIX by then!


Bottom line... remake the badly made but could have been good movies,
not classics like Shane.


Please, no remake!


Drive with Ryan Gosling is pretty close to a modern remake.

All this machine does is swim, and eat, and make little sharks. -- Matt Hooper, JAWS


Drive with Ryan Gosling is pretty close to a modern remake.

Wow, that was the first movie that entered my mind after finishing this for the first time today.

My Vote history:


Go ask the Coen Brothers.


What is this "Need" for a remake? This movie is priceless and should NEVER be remade. I cannot understand this 'remake' crap from people.

"Give it a name"
Things to Do in Denver (When You're Dead)


Thought it perfect, but always welcome anyone who makes a new western. True Grit, a case in point, breathing new life into an old favourite. I always thought that Hard Times/The Street fighter with Bronson had similarities in plot, even bringing in a Wilson like character to sort Bronson out.


What's wrong with the look? That beautiful scenery! Stunning cinematography. If anything the kid was a tad annoying.
As great as the lead was, I would have liked a stronger actor for Shane though. But it was made in the 50's studio era.


What's wrong with the look? That beautiful scenery! Stunning cinematography.

In total agreement here.

If anything the kid was a tad annoying.

No moreso than everyday, ordinary kids. I'm not necessarily directing this observation toward you, but toward all of these "So-and-so child actor is annoying" posts that are found everywhere in the IMBd message boards and their authors who (I can't help thinking) plainly hate children -- and who can all just go play on the freeway as far as I'm concerned.

As great as the lead was, I would have liked a stronger actor for Shane though. But it was made in the 50's studio era.

I thought Ladd was ideally cast and more than adequate and even Oscar-worthy in the title role. I think he gets the short shrift and a horrid lack of appreciation from the bunch who say he's "wooden." His execution, ranging from "tender" to "menacing," was powerful and flawless in his scenes with Joey and the Staretts, Ben Johnson and Jack Palance!

But to each his own. I love apple pie but not everyone else does -- which is GOOD because it means all the more apple pie for ME!

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No, don't remake it. Hollywood takes older dramatic movies and older dramatic TV series and remakes them into silly comedies.


In my opinion one of the best movies ever made, EVER. It's perfect. No remake.




This film is the finest Western ever made...sonny.
